Our group of companies are proudly South African B-BBEE Level-2 51% Black Woman Owned. The benefits we provide to our clients are:
​Hands-on Management: Local team of leaders to meet all client requirements.
​Decentralization of Resources: Readily available consumables and specialized equipment at sites.
​Ongoing Investment: Acquiring of State of the Art technology and equipment for plant inspections and testing with demonstrated, qualified techniques providing high quality cost effective solutions for our clients.
​Highly Trained Personnel: We have over 550 local personnel that are highly trained and qualified.
We provide the following Non-Destructive Testing Services:​
Radiography (X-Rays, Gamma Rays & Close Proximity Radiography)
Computerised Radiography
Manual / Automated Phased Array Ultrasonics - PAUT
Time of Flight Diffraction – ToFD
Eddy Current Inspection
Tube Inspection (IRIS | RFT)
Ultrasonic Inspection
Guided Wave Ultrasonics
Hardness Testing
Magnetic Particle Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Surface Crack Testing
Corrosion Mapping
Tank Floor Testing
Positive Material Identification (XRF|OES|LIBS)
Replication Metallography